Sunday, November 23, 2014

Embedded Systems Quiz

Advantage of Inter-Process-Communication is
Threads in different processes can communicate via
Microcontrollers often have
The microcontroller is useful in systems that have nonvariable programs for dedicated applications.
what is meant by maskable interrupts?
Can ROM be used as stack?
The advantage of memory-mapped I/O over port-mapped I/O is
Which of the following is NOT a computer performance metric:
Branch prediction is used in the context of
Delayed branching is used
The program counter does
An ISR can not wait on a semaphore
Which of the following is a method for obtaining mutual exclusion over a shared resource
What occurs when a multitasking kernel decides to run another task:
VxWorks task scheduling mechanism is
µC/OS-II provides the IPC function
µC/OS-II task scheduling mechanism is
VxWorks provides the IPC functions
The problem of priority inversion can be solved by
Interrupt latency is the time duration between the generation of interrupt and execution of its service.For RTOS interrupt latency should be
Time duration required for scheduling dispatcher to stop one process and start another is known as
A function which change the execution mode of the program from user mode to kernel mode is known as
Is malloc() a system call?
How many wires are used in I2C Bus?
Data transfer in I2C bus is initiated by
A frame in an OSI network model is the data unit of
How many clock cycles does to take in RISC to execute one instruction?
How many wires are used in SPI bus?
How many wires are used in USB bus?
Token packet in USB contains address and control Information:
All USB transactions are groupped into timing intervals - frames to ensure that all devices residing on USB bus get their share of the bus bandwidth -
Please select an option

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