Sunday, November 23, 2014

VxWorks Quiz

What is the VxWorks framework that detects memory corruption in user and kernel space?
VxSim is an instruction set simulator
Which shell appears in the VxSim application at startup?
Which of the following is NOT a default VIP (VxWorks Image Project)?
Which of the following interpreter is NOT available with the Host Shell?
What Tcl command is used to configure the shell?
System debugging mode is best suited to debug
How many TCBs are there per task?
What is always the state of a binary semaphore after a semTake()?
What is the priority of a mutex semaphore?
What can re-enable locked out interrupts?
What happens to unread bytes in a message during a msgQReceive()?
One of the following is not a component of intertask communication:
VmContextShow() is used to
Source code can be shared between RTPS and kernel routines
An ISR can call semTake() if it needs ot do something fast
Which of the following is not the error types in VxWorks?
What parameter is used to set the persistent memory region size?
Please select an option

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