Sunday, August 3, 2014

Measuring VTC parameters of a digital IC

To measure the VTC parameters for SN7402, I had the following schematics:

For VOH:                                                              
For VOL: 
How did I come up with the resistances? Here's how - per the datasheet, the required VOH was 3.4 V and VOL was 0.2V.

With Required VOH =3.4 V for IOH= - 0.4 mA (per datasheet), which gave me pulldown resistor as:

Similarly, the Required VOL =0.2 V for IOL= 16 mA (datasheet) and VCC=4.75 V gave me the pullup resistor as:

But since calculated resistances weren’t available, following values were used-
Rpull-down=8.1 kW
Rpull-up= 268 kW

Here is the result of my folly:

As Measured
From Datasheet
3.38 V
3.4 V 
(Test conditions: Vcc=4.75V, IOH= - 0.4 mA)
0.220 V
0.2 V
(Test conditions: Vcc=4.75V, IOL= 16 mA)

The measured value is different from the datasheet since I had used different resistors. Note the Logic Swing of the output was 3.16V.

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