Saturday, June 13, 2015

Video Highlights: Cheetah-bot lands running jump, Nuclear bomb detonated in space, Explore Loch Ness in Google Maps, more

FromElectronic Products Video Hightlights
June 13, 2015
Go in depth with the latest product technology videos for the electronic engineering community on Electronic Products' Multimedia Network.
Cheetah-bot lands running jump, making it the first four-legged robot to run and jump an obstacle autonomously

Cheetah-bot lands running jump, making it the first four-legged robot to run and jump an obstacle autonomously

What MIT's robotic cheetah has just achieved is as impressive as it is scary—researchers at the prestigious technology university have trained a robot to see and jump hurdles as it runs, making it the first four-legged …more

What a nuclear bomb looks like when detonated in space, and the impact felt here on Earthide of Earth's atmosphere

Nuclear bombs were detonated in space as part of a series of tests in the …more

Researchers create heat-triggered, self-destructing electronic devices to help reduce e-waste

Led by aerospace engineering professor Scott R. White, researchers at the …more

For the first time, engineers track in real time what happens when a li-on battery overheats and explodes

A team of researchers from various education institutions and research facilities …more

First look: Japan's floating solar power plants are complete

A major alternative energy project that was started half-a-year ago is complete, …more

Explore Loch Ness in Google Maps

The nautical creature with a supposed five-foot-long neck that sometimes …more
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