Wednesday, November 26, 2014

PIC16F887 quiz

All PIC microcontrollers use harvard architecture
PIC18FXXX has following
PIC16FXXX has following
Branch instructions in PIC16F887 are single-cycle instructions
Function of each port A pin can be changed using TRISA register in PIC16F887
The data memory in PIC16F887 is partitioned into
All bits in STATUS register of PIC16F887 are R/W
The OPTION_REG register in PIC16F887 contains various control bits to configure
Setting RSIE in PIE1 Register
POR bit in PCON register has reset to 0
BOR bit in PCON register is 0
The size of the program memory of PIC16F877 is
The functions of port B pins is determined by
Instruction ""CLRF CCP1CON"" does
To set CCP1 module in compare mode
To transmit inverted data to the RC6/TX/CK pin in asynchronous mode
To establish serial communication in I2C mode
To measure voltage on an input pin by ADC
System clock and frequency selection option is controlledd by
Instruction "SWAPF f,d"
Please select an option

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